About Us and What We Do
Experienced Washington Domestic Violence Lawyers You Can Trust.
At Milios Defense, we have been practicing in the field of Washington domestic violence and DV disputes since 1993. Our Seattle domestic violence lawyers understand how charges of domestic violence can turn the lives of those accused upside down. From barring them from seeing family, friends, or loves ones, to preventing them from entering their own homes, to the stain of a domestic violence (DV) conviction, loss of job and the erosion of certain civil liberties, an accusation of domestic violence creates a tremendous upheaval. Our domestic violence lawyers also understand that the chaos created by DV charges is not just limited to the lives of the person charged but that person’s family and loved ones as well. And that the concerns of both the domestic violence “defendant” and the “victim” are not always mutually exclusive. Often times there is a great deal of common ground between how both parties would like to see the case resolved.
Use this site to learn more about Washington domestic violence laws and processes. If you have been accused of domestic violence find out exactly what lies ahead. Be prepared to combat no contact orders, removal from your home and the stigma of being labeled a DV batterer.
Our offices are located in Seattle, Washington, and we help those entangled in the Washington domestic violence (DV) system throughout the entire state.
Arrested or Facing a DV Arrest in Washington?
Five Things You Must Know
Domestic violence cases move rapidly. If you only read five pages on this website make sure you know the following.
Courts have determined that DV cases need to be resolved quickly and most have rules ensuring that there is no delay. Know the Washington DV court process.
No Contact Orders will almost always be issued by the court. This will mean no contact with the alleged victim and in many cases will cause the defendant to be removed from the home.
Civil Standby Orders will allow the defendant temporary access to the house to retrieve belongings.
There will be pressure on you to enter into a Domestic Violence Treatment Program, almost from the beginning. Know what this consists of before you enter into one.
Domestic violence convictions in Washington carry several mandatory DV penalties and indirect and collateral consequences. Know them from the outset.
Be Proactive In Your Defense
A Washington Domestic Violence Self Help Guide
What you do in the moments, days and weeks following a domestic incident can have a tremendous bearing on how your situation is ultimately resolved. Not only will you possibly be facing criminal charges, there may be civil requests for restraining orders and dissolution and child custody proceedings. You may even be removed from your home with limitations placed upon your freedom of movement. To that end we have created a section on this site entitled Being Proactive: A Self Help Guide. The purpose is to help you set your frame of mind and give you tips for being proactive in your own defense. If you are facing the many consequences of a domestic violence allegation in Washington, you can not afford to sit back and wait for things to happen to you.
Review our Self Help Guide. Start drafting your own report of what happened, the things that are important to you and your goals. And feel free to contact us for a consultation so that you can have as much information as possible at your disposal.

More Domestic Violence Information
From Experienced Attorney - Tim Milios
This site is broken into several sections that are intended to give you a complete guide to the Washington DV process and in a straight forward and informative manner. The first section, “Domestic Violence Defense“, deals with the main procedural issues relevant to domestic violence cases. There, we discuss the definitions of domestic violence and several ways to help yourself in your own defense. It deals with the procedural process your case is likely to follow and touches on the many potential outcomes that could occur. Finally, it takes a comprehensive look at the most common DV related constructs; the no contact order, the civil standby order, domestic violence treatment and the Stipulated Order of Continuance.
Not every court and every prosecutor in every jurisdiction in Washington handles a DV prosecution in the same manner. Prosecutors in Seattle have different standards and approached to their job then prosecutors in Lynnwood. Likewise, different judges have different prejudices and will impose different conditions from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Even the victim’s advocate, a person who has a tremendous amount of influence over the final outcome, acts differently from court to court. Our section on the different DV courts in Washington takes a detailed look at the busiest courts in Western Washington. If your case is pending in Seattle, Bellevue, Kirkland, Issaquah or King County, be sure to review this section.
The next section looks at the majority of crimes that can carry a domestic violence designation and takes a comprehensive look at the most common. Most DV cases in Washington fall under the following categories: Assault, Violation of No Contact Order, Harassment, Telephone Harassment, Malicious Mischief, Interference With DV Reporting, and Stalking. While these are the most common, it is important to note that it is the relationship between the parties that determines whether it is a crime of domestic violence and not the actual charge itself.
Most people facing DV charges in Washington State suffer anxiety over the potential consequences that stem from a domestic violence conviction and for good reason. The DV penalties in the State of Washington are as serious if not more so than for convictions of any other kind. Even most felony convictions don’t have as long ranging and long term consequences. The section on DV penalties details the mandatory, discretionary and collateral consequences of a conviction. From jail, fines and probation, to no contact orders to the loss of civil liberties such as firearm possession and moving to another state, most of the direct penalties are covered here.
Finally, we have provided a Washington domestic violence resources page with links to bail bondsmen, treatment agencies and domestic violence research information as well as answers to some of the more frequently asked Washington DV questions that we face.
While all of the information contained in this site is intended for your benefit and to help educate you on the Washington DV process, it is not a substitute for consulting with a DV attorney. Our domestic violence lawyers at Milios Defense are hear to help you, defend you or just answer your questions 24 hours a day. Do not hesitate to contact us for a free consultation should you need our assistance.
Milios Defense Blog
Recent insights from our attorneys
Why Was I Arrested? I’m The One Who Called 911!
Domestic Violence and No Contact Orders Involving Roommates and House-guests
Defending the Victim Defendant in Cases of Domestic Violence
Washington DV Questions?
We Can Provide Answers
Over the years, we have fielded hundreds of questions about Washington Domestic Violence issues. Included in this site are comprehensive answers to most of the most common questions.
Does someone have to be arrested if the police are called on a domestic dispute?
Will a no contact order be issued even if the other party doesn't want one?
How do I retrieve my possessions if I've been kicked out of my house?
What can I do when the other party keeps calling me despite a no contact order being in place?
What if the victim doesn't want to press charges?
I had a great experience hiring Tim as my lawyer. Not only were his services at a reasonable price, but he managed to obtain a great sentence for me that ultimately changed my life in a positive way. I highly recommend him and would use him again if I was ever in trouble. Client Review